If your New Year’s resolutions include
reading more and getting out to meet new people, then why don’t you achieve both
of these at once by joining one of the many monthly book discussion groups offered
by the Library.
The Library’s book discussions take
place during the day and in the evening.
They focus on a range of genres, so there should be something for
everyone. For those who enjoy mystery
and intrigue our Murder by the Book
discussion group could be for you. If
you prefer history, biography and current affairs, then The Nonfictioneers should fit the bill. The Critics’
Circle and the A.M. Book Group both
focus primarily on a wide range of classic and contemporary fiction to suit all
tastes. We also have a Poetry Discussion Group led by a retired
Columbia University English professor. For those who prefer a more relaxed
approach Books and Breakfast provides
an opportunity for participants to share what they have been reading over a
delicious breakfast. The Library also runs book discussions for members of
Founders Hall.
So check the Library’s website at www.ridgefieldlibrary.org for details and
put one or more of these discussion groups on your calendar. What better way to
stimulate your mind and make new friends in 2017!